GSA International Limited (‘GSA’) Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

This statement confirms GSA’s commitment to combat slavery and human trafficking. It is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the Act) and constitutes our anti-slavery and human trafficking statement. It has been approved by the GSA International Board (the ‘Board’).

GSA International Limited is a private limited company registered in England and Wales No. 12567898. Registered address: Portman House, 2 Portman St, London, W1H 6DU, UK.

Our Business

We are a global leader in real estate asset management within the student housing sector.

Our approach

GSA is committed to zero tolerance of modern slavery, and we set out below the steps we are taking to prevent modern slavery in our business and our supply chain.

The GSA Group will not knowingly support or conduct business with any organisation involved in slavery or human trafficking and aims for robust standards of governance throughout the organisation.

Our supply chain

The GSA Group does not have an overly complex supply chain nor does it obtain services from any businesses located in high risk countries. We only procure goods/services from pre-approved suppliers who are of a high quality and are subject to checks. As such, we believe the risk of modern slavery or human trafficking within our organisation to be low.

Our Policies

We operate a Code of Conduct that sets out the expectations of the Board to our stakeholders and operate a suite of policies that are designed to uphold the Code.

Our Training

We recognise the importance of ensuring all our staff understand how modern slavery could manifest itself and how to report when it does.  All employees complete mandatory annual training on the Act and are made aware of the appropriate action to take if they suspect a case of modern slavery or human trafficking via our Whistleblowing policy.